Kossuth was born in Pfronten, Germany, in 1947.
After finishing his studies he moved to Naples in 1968 where he was awarded diploma in violin studies.
He won an international competition for a place as Violin at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan.
From 1970 to 1972 he played in that orchestra and studied composition and orchestra conducting.
In 1979 he quit a thriving musical career to devote himself to sculpture.
Main works of the Author.
- Exhibition at theParliament Society Building in Bonn
- Portrait of the tenor Mario Del Monaco which is exhibited in the museum of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan.
- Exhibition at the Museum of European Sculptures Sculpturenpark-Willebadessen, Germany. Sponsored by the head of Government.
- Bust of Domenico Scarlatti exhibited in the RAI Auditorium of Naples.
- Exhibition in the cloister of San Domenico, Martina Franca, sponsored by the municipality.
- EXPO of international Art, Bari.
- BIDART, Bergamo.
- Exhibition,Ostuni sponsored by the municipality.
- Exhibition, Spoleto during the "Festival dei due mondi".
- Bidart, Bergamo.
- Portrait of Paolo Grassi for the municipality of Martina Franca.
- Exhibition, Siena.
- Exhibition at the Museum of Milan sponsored by the municipality, introduced by the reviewer Vittorio Sgarbi.
- Exhibition, Città della Pieve, sponsored by the municipality.
- Exhibition of The work "Mozart" in the Teatro alla Scala for the bicentennial celebration of Mozart's death.
- Exhibition, Venezia.
- Exhibition, Düsseldorf.
- Exhibition at the Museum Pauw,Wassenaar, Holland
- Exhibition, Assisi.
- Exhibition, Orvieto, sponsored by the municipality and the Province.
- Exhibition, Perugia.
- Exhibition "Bronze Faces", Modena introduced by the reviewer Vittorio Sgarbi.
- Unveiling of the work "Paganini" in the theatre Carlo Felice in Genoa, organized by the municipality and exhibition at the "Loggia della Mercanzia".
- Exhibition,in Mantova, in the Palazzo Ducale, sponsored by the Municipality and with the supervision of the Monuments and Fine Arts Service of Mantova, Cremona, Brescia.
- Exhibition, Manzù, Messina, Kossuth, in Santa Maria Maggiore.
- Exhibition at the Museum of Arts Palazzo Bandera, Busto Arsizio.
- Exhibition, Venezia, aldermaury for Culture
- Exhibition of the work "Salomé" at the Museum of Arts, Palazzo Bandera, Busto Arsizio. Acquisition from the Museum.
- Exhibition, "From the Body to the Face", Pietrasanta.
- Exhibition dedicated to the dance in Rieti during the Intenational Week of Ballet.
- Exhibition in the “Banca Commercio ed industria” Milan.
- Exhibition in the “Banca Popolare of Milan” Bergamo.
- Exhibition in street Montenapoleone, Milan “Le forme del FuocoVenturi Arte.”
- Exhibition “le forme del Fuoco Venturi arte” at the Museum Archeologico of Bologna
- The sculptur "Innamorata" acquisition from the”Museum of Arts,palazzo Bandera” ,Busto Arsizio.
museum web www.kossuth.org
- "Accademico ad onorem" of Accademy Franco Ferrara of Rom
- Exhibition "l' Arte per la chiesa, una chiesa per l'Arte" Chiesa Gesu' e Maria, Rom
- Exhibition dedicated to the dance in Perugia during the international Week of ballet
- Exhibition “L'enigma del senso" the Versiliana, Marina of Pietrasanta
- Exhibition in S.S. Annunziata ,Cetona
- Exhibition “Arte e citta'” San Giovanni in Persiceto
- Exhibition "Anima e corpo" Museum of the Montirone , Abano terme
- Exhibition Espace Bonnard Le Cannet -Cannes Francia
- Sculptur Maternita' made for 'Unicef of the Repubblica of San Marino
- Exhibition "Arte e pubblicita' "space Consolo -Milan
- Exhibition "Essere ben essere" Triennale of Milan-
- Exhibition "Arte all'inizio del millenio" society of belle arti Torino
- Exhibition "Accadimenti giubilari" Chiesa and gallery Gesù e Maria, Rom
- Exhibition “(F)atti d'arte,” society of belle arti -Torino
- Exhibition gallery Gaston Gerard-Dijon
- “Accademico dell'Accademia internazionale Sant'Agostino 1671” Rom
- Exhibition Dieleman gallery-Gemblouxe-Bruxel ,Belgium
- Exhibition “Movimenti” Palazzina della promotrice ,Torino
- Exhibition “Forme eterne” Castello of Mombasiglio, Cuneo
- Exhibition “Magnetismi delle forme”,Enel, Montaldo di Castro , Viterbo
- Exhibition ”La bellezza venuta dal mare” Rom -Ostia
- Exhibition “Kossuth” ex chiesa di S.Sefano, Mondovì
- Exhibition “Il volo da icaro ai nostri giorni” Accademia S.Agostino, Rom sponsored by the President of the Repubblica
- Exhibition ” Anima e corpo eros e mito” Vedelago
- Exhibition ”la forma dell’anima” Palazzo delle feste di Bardonecchia
- Exhibition “La forma e l’anima” Galleria Berman Torino
- Exhibition “Quattro scultori dell’immagine-la Forma e L’Anima”space open museum Pianeta Azzurro , Fregene
- Exhibition “Artisti contemporanei” Fondazione Culturale Mandralisca Cefalù , Palermo
- Exhibition “W.Alexander Kossuth”galleriy Parada –Brescia
- Exhibition” usually MERAVIGLIE”,Genova Musei
- Exhibition “la Musique du corps humain”gallery Gaston Gerard
- Exhibition”W. Alexander Kossuth” Cascina Grande , Rozzano
- Exhibition “Kossuth” galleriy Seledi Art, Palermo
- Exhibition “Dinamismo ed equilibrio “Saint Benin ,Aosta
- Exhibition “lo spazio interiore del mito” museum Luciana Matalon Milano
- Exibition “Sculture danzanti” Settimana internazionale della danza
sotto il patrocinio della città di Spoleto
- Exibition ”Mithos. Miti e archetipi nel mare della conoscienza” Museo
Bizzantino d’Atene, sotto il patrocinio del ministero degli Esteri
Italiano, Istituto Italiano di cultura di Atene, seconda sede Galleria
Nazionale d’Arte di Tirana, Albania,terza sede Principato di Monaco
- Exibition “Kossuth, sculture e dipinti” Sala di SS.Filippo e Giacomo sotto
il patrocinio del comune di Brescia.
- Exibition “Forma e spirito nella scultura contemporanea in Italia” villa
Firenze Ambasciata Italiana in Washington seconda sede Meridian
international centre, Washington.
- Exibition “Nostalgia della bellezza” Museo Sandro Parmeggiani, Renazzo,
patrocinio del comune di Cento